06 November 2009
Moving Day for the Blogosphere
I've opened mdsimants.wordpress.com and am officially moving to WordPress. There are a few reasons for this that all deal with plans for the future (think personalized domain, etc). Additionally, WordPress has a really nice BlackBerry client, so I can more efficiently blog on the go (assuming that I actually will).
If you read my blog in Facebook only, I've already synced my WordPress blog over, so that should be seamless for you. If you read this in an RSS reader, then point yourself over mdsimants.wordpress.com.
See ya on the flipside.
03 November 2009
And the journey continues....
Well, we’ve come to a new point in the journey.
Things have been relatively quiet since the last update. With the exception of a 4 or 5 day exacerbation in September and a 2 or 3 day one in October, there has been very little to report. In both of these cases, the exacerbation presented with a new symptom.
We had our follow-up with the Neurologist on October 20. Dr. Boop was concerned that there was a new symptom in the previous two exacerbations. Events such as that typically reflect new lesions and make Multiple Sclerosis a more likely clinical diagnosis. We briefly discussed long-term treatment options and he armed us with a considerable amount of information (inclusive of a DVD that was a veritable “cheese-feast”). Dr. Boop also recommended that we proceed with a new MRI Scan.
There’s a saga that I should insert here that occurred in the process of getting the insurance company to approve the MRI. I’ll spare you all the insanity, but will make this general observation: Insurance companies have absolutely NO BUSINESS making medical decisions. The MRI was approved after an appeal letter from Dr. Boop.
A side note to the insurance saga (and an element of it that is truly too good not to share), the denial letter both APPROVED and DENIED the MRI in the SAME PARAGRAPH of the SAME LETTER – in back-to-back sentences. Seriously. I can’t make this stuff up.
At any rate, the MRI was conducted on 11/2. Dr. Boop contacted me on 11/3 with the results of the MRI. There were two lesions. These are the same two lesions that existed on the June scan, and there were no new lesions.
However, over the past few days, I have been experiencing off-and-on issues with tremors and other symptoms – including another new symptom. This one is actually kinda cool, in that it is an issue where I get a tingling in my spine and out toward my arms. It’s like when you get a cold shiver. This started yesterday morning. I can force this symptom by turning my head or dropping my chin, which is a clinical test called Lehrmitte’s Sign.
While on the phone with Dr. Boop, I mentioned this issue. He stated that even though the MRI was unchanged, the presence of this new symptom and the earlier new symptom confirms that this is Multiple Sclerosis. He further said that Multiple Sclerosis is the only real explanation for the collection of symptoms, and their appearance/disappearance/reappearance/etc.
What’s next? Based on the continued issues with and the length of this particular exacerbation, Dr. Boop has written a prescription for Prednisone. This is a steroid treatment that will help alleviate the on-going issues with the exacerbation. Additionally, we are beginning the process to get insurance approval (please refer to an earlier paragraph for my opinion on that statement) for Copaxone, which is a disease modifying treatment (daily injection) that works to minimize the frequency of and impact of future exacerbations.
For those of you wanting to know what directions we need/want prayers, good thoughts, karma, etc:
- Wisdom for Dr. Boop and us to make wise decisions as we go forward in this process
- Insurance approval for Copaxone, which is an extraordinarily expensive ($30k/annually) drug if you don’t have insurance. With our insurance, we will be able to get this treatment for about $500/year, so we need the insurance company to approve the drug
- Steph and I to have wisdom/understanding/etc for explaining this to Emily (and later to Caleb). Em is, as you all know, one smart kid, so this should be easy, but never something that you WANT to have to do. So, maybe the direction here is more for us to have the strength/emotional stamina/etc to explain.
- Strength (physical/emotional/etc) for Steph as we continue on this journey. She’s been unbelievable through this and I am so incredibly thankful to have her by my side.
We appreciate all that you have all done for us. Your kind words, prayers, positive thoughts, offers of help have been overwhelming to us. We find ourselves in a fantastic position to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.
14 October 2009
09 October 2009
07 October 2009
You Decide the Quality of Your Day
If you start the day with negativity, then your day will likely be negative. On the other hand, if you start the day with positivity, then it will likely be positive. It is up to you to make the determination on what type of day you will have. This is not to imply that if you choose positivity, then nothing negative will happen. Rather, your response to the negative will be positive. It all starts, though, with your choice when you get up.
This morning - after five hours of sleep - it would be easy for me to start the morning negative. Yet, I'm going with positive. Not with an "oh #*$@, it is time to get up," but rather with an "it is time to go make a difference."
Human nature (learned, not inherent) is to go negative as soon as possible. Yet, Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 (TNIV), "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old is gone, the new is here!". Further, Paul writes in Romans 12:2 (NLT) that you should "let God transform" you "by changing the way you think.". However, God does not forcibly change your mind; rather, God waits for you to allow your mind to be changed.
If you start your day by giving over the selfish, negative thoughts and words, and you allow God to have the reins of your mind, then positivity wins, and your day can be positive.
Bringing us back to Whiteley's comment "The first thing that you say (outloud or internally) in the morning will determine the quality of your day."
UPDATE: Thanks, Pam, for calling attention to Proverbs 18:21 (TNIV): "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (God's Word Translation translates the second phrase: "and those who love to talk will have to eat their own words.")
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
13 September 2009
17 August 2009
16 August 2009
13 August 2009
12 August 2009
11 August 2009
07 August 2009
30 July 2009
24 July 2009
My (From Experience) Argument for Healthcare Reform
15 July 2009
My Unexpected and Unrealized Brush With Grace
Say those two words to an Undergrad Music Major and beads of sweat, uncontrollable shaking, sobs, running in circles, and other extreme symptoms of anxiety. For me, those two words were the bane of my undergrad existence.
I took private piano every semester in my undergrad program. I loved playing everything that was not directly related to piano proficiency. Consequently, piano proficiency stuff only was given a single (maybe double) run-through while everything else was practiced.
Now, I should at this point interrupt myself to remain completely forthcoming. I am not - by any stretch of the imagination - a great pianist. I never was. I never will be. I would much rather just sit down and improvise than actually play something out of a book.
The problem was that no matter how many private piano lessons I took the piano proficiency was not progressing. By now you are thinking (and you are right) that there is only one person to blame for that lack of progression. In my (poor and pointless) defense, like many thousands of other music students, I just never saw the point in learning how to play the Star Spangled Banner from memory.
The relatively sad part is that even though I wasn't progressing in the proficiency department, I kept receiving "A"s in my private lessons. Until that fateful semester when Dr. Bridgeman assigned me to Dr. McConnell.
Now, I am not sure how Dr. McConnell drew the proverbial short straw, yet was happy he did.
At the end of the term though I was still short of the bar required to pass proficiency and received a 'B'. Ouch.
I've given Dr. McConnell a lot of grief over the past few years about that 'B'. Most of the time in jest. Part of the time not.
I completely earned that 'B'. Well, in actuality, I probably earned less than that. So, yes, grace.
But that is not the end.
When it came time to graduate, all requirements met except one (well two, but chapel fines are another story) -- Piano Proficiency.
I remember it like it was yesterday (or more aptly last night's nightmare). Dr. Bridgeman administered proficiency exams. This was my fourth (or so) attempt.
Scales - check.
Hymn Sight Reading - check(ish).
America the Beautiful - check(ish).
Star Spangled Banner - oh hell.
It was bad. I don't mean "wow that was bad" kind of bad. I mean "cover your ears what the hell was that supposed to be" kind of bad. Dr. Bridgeman in a way that only she could do asked if I would like to try again. I only half-joking said not really. We tried again. Worse.
Ms. Bridgman then illustrated mercy. Opened the hymnal and said play. I did. Sorta. Better but still rough.
I passed.
Not of my own merit. Not of Ms. Bridgeman's desire to get me the hell out of her office. Just simply grace.
I was reminded recently of this story. Dr. McConnell and I have remained friends. He has helped me through numerous major life events and still the hell I've given him over that 'B'. Hindsight is, as they say, 20/20.
In hindsight, I'm thankful for the grace that Dr. McConnell shared. I'm thankful for the grace Ms. Bridgeman illustrated.
I've heard grace defined as unmerited favor. It is the bridge that takes us from unsatisfactory performance to success. It is that thing that says we are worthy despite our own efforts at worthiness.
So, to Ms. Bridgeman and Dr. McConnell I say "Thanks". The lesson wasn't lost. It just took a while to learn.
27 June 2009
19 June 2009
Truth in Advertising
We realized about two weeks ago that we were heading toward an absolute train wreck. We did not have adequate staffing to support our converted customer base and had about 10x that number of customers to support in just about six weeks.
With the training cycle being five weeks, we scrambled to develop a contingency plan. Our options were severely constrained by call routing, training space and trainer resources as well as the need to continue supporting the non-converted customers. Nevertheless, a (about 85%) good plan was developed. The scramble then began to determine how to support this brainchild.
The plan was to pull additional resources (~75) into training in two locations. The first location would train about 45 of the resources in a room that was ready to go and sitting idle. The remainder would be trained in an idle training room, but PCs would need to be installed. After a couple of phone calls and calling in my last favor from IT, they agreed to make it happen.
At 3p on Friday, before the room was to go live on Monday, I received the dreaded phone call. There was a problem with the power draw that the PCs required. So bad, in fact, that they could power no more than 12 out of 30 at a time. We would need an alternate plan. It doesn't take an experienced project manager to know that 3p on Friday is NEVER the right time to deliver a bombshell. Scramble begins.
45 minutes later, I receive another in a long string of phone calls. This one telling me that facilities would "make it work" and would do so by Monday Morning at 8a when training was scheduled to begin. I asked that I receive a phone call when it was done just to be safe, and was told that it was safe to assume that silence was indeed golden, and I would receive a call only if it wasn't going to be ready for 8a Monday. I know that I should have not agreed to that, but at 4p on Friday, I'll take it.
Crises averted. Right?
Sunday I sent three texts to two different people to confirm. Silence.
Monday, at 715a, resent the text from Sunday. Two replies. Both said exactly the same thing: "Yes, you are ready."
Monday, at 930a, I get an IM asking why the room wasn't ready until 915a.
Four days later, that question remains unanswered.
The morale of my tale is simple: "Just tell the truth."
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
15 June 2009
11 June 2009
Kindle Initial Thoughts
The short impression is I LOVE it.
Here are some reasons why:
> Accessibility - books are easy to get and plentiful. The Kindle store has something like 300k titles available. These range in price from $.25 (Alice's Adventures In Wonderland) up to $9.99 (with some textbooks slightly higher). Additionally, there are multiple sites where you can get books in the public domain for free. I can go to the Kindle Store and enter the title of a book that I've heard about or that was a reference in the book that I am reading and download it or a sample.
> Easy on the Eyes - when I first heard that it was "like reading a paperback", I was very skeptical. However, I can tell you after several hours of reading, it is like reading a paperback.
> Dictionary - it's built-in! If you are not certain of the meaning of a word, or want more info on a topic, then you navigate to thw word and the definition is displayed on the bottom of the screen. Pressing the "enter" key will show additional information.
> Advanced Additional Info - from within a book, you can enter a search phrase and search multiple sources including Google and the Wikipedia for that phrase. For example, the other night I was reading Ted Gioia's "The History of Jazz". He referenced the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM). I typed in "Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians" and searched Wikipedia. I read the entry for AACM. In the reference section at the end of that entry was the citation for George E. Lewis' book "A Power Stronger Than Itself: The AACM and American Experimental Music". I then opened the Kindle store entered the title of that volume, and 45 seconds later it was on the Kindle ready for me to read.
> Changeable Font Size - there are six or seven different sizes of fonts from which you can select.
> Clipping/Annotating - I'm an "underliner". I like to make notes in books as I'm reading and highlight and underline. Kindle allows me to do this. Additionally, it places my notes/highlights into a "My Clippings" area on my Kindle and syncs them to my Kindle page on Amazons website.
> Search - from the Home Page of the Kindle, I can enter a search word/phrase and the Kindle will scour through everything on the device and display every occurrence of that in a navigatable list.
> Mobile Web Access - while not the best web browser in the world (nor is it designed to be), it works well for quick jaunts of text info. It is relatively easy to get weather forecasts, news updates and sports scores. It works well with Google Reader (my choice for RSS feeds). It also works with Twitter.
> Range of reading material - I have found myself exploring books that I would not have likely gotten around to reading. I have something like 60 books on the device and 20 samples (when I come across a title, or hear about a title that I think I might find interesting I download a sample of it to peruse at my leisure) and the topics range from fiction in the public domain to heady history and specialized music books. People that have Kindles have told me that their range of reading material has widen dramatically since purchasing a Kindle.
What I wish it had:
> Reference book - as mentioned earlier, I can go to the Kindle Store and do this manually, but I would love the ability to click on a book title that is a reference in the book I'm reading and have it take me to that Kindle Store entry.
> Page Numbers - Kindle uses a "location" within the book. I'm uncertain as to what makes something a location. Yet, I wish there were something that translated a location to a page number. That way you could actually do functional research/citations. As it is now, if you are reading something that is research for a paper, you need to go to a hardcopy and find the page. Either that or someone needs to create an APA citation method specific to Kindle. (That said.... There appears to be a national one debate regarding how one should cite passages. It seems to be split between use the location number and say it is the Kindle edition, and get a book.)
> Onboard RSS reader - while you can use Google Reader (mobile), it would be nice to have a built-in RSS reader.
All-in-all it is one of the coolest devices that I've ever owned. It is pretty neat how much information you have access to when you carry it.
Thanks, Steph, Emily and Caleb!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
08 June 2009
05 June 2009
28 May 2009
21 May 2009
The Birthday Wine
Let's go 'round one more time again
I decided to write a blog to reflect on this past trip around. All-in-all it was fun. There were a couple of rough spots that mainly centered on a deep struggle between myself and a lawn-mower. In the end, I won. Of course, it cost me the price of a new mower.
My oldest turned four and my youngest turned one. Their mother and I passed six great years of being married.
My Granny scared us by falling and breaking a hip. Fortunately, she is recovering quite well.
Emily learned to read. Steph learned to teach Kindergarten. I learned to worry about the cost of MIT.
I finished all of my actual course work for my Master's Degree in Project Management.
My company was bought.
Thanks to a wonderfully understanding and sharing family I got to spend my Uncle Jack's birthday with him in Napa, CA. It was (and will always be) one of my favorite trips of my life.
I read a few books.
I laughed a lot of laughs.
I got to take my daughter to see Hillary Clinton.
I was able to vote for an African-American to be President, and got to sit and hold my daughter as he took the oath of office. That was something that I was almost certain I would never see happen in my lifetime.
I was able to meet many new friends and reconnect with many old friends.
It has been another blessed year. I am grateful for the ride.
And one of my favorite Jimmy Buffett songs (video here):
Hear 'em singing Happy Birthday,
Better think about the wish I make.
This year gone by ain't been a piece of cake.
Every day's a revolution,
Pull it together and it comes undone.
Just one more candle and a trip around the sun.I'm just hangin' on while this old world keeps spinnin',
And it's good to know it's out of my control.
If there's one thing I've learned from all this livin',
Is that it wouldn't change a thing if I let go.No, you never see it comin':
Always wind up wondering where it went.
Only time will tell if it was time well spent.
It's another revelation,
Celebratin' what I should have done,
With these souvenirs of my trip around the sun.I'm just hangin' on while this old world keeps spinnin',
And it's good to know it's out of my control.
If there's one thing I've learned from all this livin',
Is that it wouldn't change a thing if I let go.Yes, I'll make a resolution,
That I'll never make another one.
Just enjoy this ride on my trip around the sun.
Just enjoy this ride, (One more trip around the sun.)
Until it's done. (One more trip around the sun.)
(One more trip around the sun.)(Trip Around The Sun - Jimmy Buffett/Martina McBride)
(Al Anderson/Steve Burton/Sharon Vaughn)
Let's go 'round one more time again!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
18 May 2009
Today is Graduation Day
Everyday you "suit-up" for a game. Play to win. Only losers say, "No matter what happens, I'm just happy to be here." Play fair. Play with integrity and honesty.
I remember learning golf from my Grandfather. The most important lesson was "count every shot (defined as an interaction between the ball and the club)". Play your life like a golf game - straight, aim for the target, respect the rules, and be gracious to the other players.
There was a slogan that went around when I was working on my undergrad - "Mean People Suck". That saying is as true today as it ever was. There is absolutely no reason to be mean to people. It will do nothing to further your career or your life.
The popular way is not always the best way. Don't be afraid to go against the grain and make a tough call. People will respect you for it. They may not like you, but they will respect you.
Play. Alot. You will find life to be stressful. You will find business to be stressful. The old saying is true; all work and no play will make you dull. Find outlets for the stress. Play golf. Play basketball. Play tennis. Play video games. Just play.
A recent study in the British Medical Journal (http://tinyurl.com/563wmj) illustrates the impact of the social network on up to three degrees of separation. In a separate study that also appeared in the British Medical Journal (http://tinyurl.com/6f5dhv) (subscription required), we find research that supports a correlation between one's social network and one's health. All that to say that your social network should be ever expanding. Yet, don't allow yourself to confine that network to a web-presence. The web is a way to enhance the network, and should not be treated as a replacement for 30-inch interactions. My friend, Mark Shead authored an excellent article (http://tinyurl.com/cb8oxz) titled "9 Steps Towards Genuine and Effective Networking" where he outlines ways to bring the network to the 30-inch level.
This is critical. In a commencement address to Stanford University (http://tinyurl.com/4lxnfh), Steve Jobs said that every morning you should look in the mirror and ask yourself, "If this were the last day of my life, would I be doing what I have planned for today?" He went on to say that if the answer was "No" for several days in a row then it was likely time to go do something else. If you don't love what you do, then burn out will set in and you will lose effectiveness and relevance.
You will never know everything that there is to know about a subject. Learn. Always.
For Christmas in 1981, my Uncle Jack gave me a copy of this great Lewis Carroll work. On the inside he wrote the admonition to "read it again when you are 30". Since 1981, I have read this literary masterpiece no less than 25 times. I recently had the pleasure of taking my four-year-old on Alice's adventures with me. Yes, the story is total nonsense, but the exercise that it gives your imagination is priceless.
Do not trap yourself within a single genre. Challenge your ears.
You are on this planet for one reason. That reason is very simple. Make someone's life better. If you can always remember this, then you can mark your life a success.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
15 May 2009
One of the world's best inventions
13 May 2009
08 May 2009
Is Dick Cheney Right?
Dick Cheney is one of the most polarizing figures of the last decade. I have argued from the day GWB picked him as a VP that he was really the guy running things. He's an effective puppet-master.
So back to the original point.... When a poll question is asked, and the opening phrase asks if Dick Cheney is right, the poll is skewed. In this case, (and believe me this is hard to say) he is right. If the Republican Party moderates, it won't stop the bleeding. The problem with the party is the absence of leadership. They need someone who can bridge the divisive factions. There are a lot of individuals vying for that role, but none are fitting the bill.
Michael Steele could be that individual, but the Limbaughs and Cheneys of the party need to fade quietly into the night, or, better yet, simply STFU and stop trying to be relevant.
I, for one, am ok with the GOP never figuring this out.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
13 April 2009
Are You A Black Hole or a Secret Weapon?
Someone once said that the most important impression that you can make on someone is the first impression you make on them. While there is immense truth in that statement, it is only part of it. As you observe people and their behaviors, then your first impression is changed or affirmed. In either case, I find myself using that initial impression as the basis for how I decide to size up my co-workers.
Let me begin by defining co-workers. In this post, I expand the concept of a co-worker as someone with whom you interact everyday (I consider them to be peers) to include people whom you observe as well.
I find myself constantly sizing people up. I’m always on the hunt for talented people. The call-center business (like many others) is pretty tight knit. Chances are that you know someone who knows someone and that will often lead to new possibilities or opportunities that would not have otherwise existed. I know that there are people (many of them my personal acquaintances) that are looking for new employees. By keeping a running tally (in your head or on your contact list) of people who you consider to be high-potential, then you could very well help those looking for talent find that talent.
Yes, I keep a tally. I know every person on my contact list(s). Whether they’re on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Outlook, Rolodex, etc I know who they are and have made a determination about what “category” in which I put them. This is my open-ended recruiting pool. Should another acquaintance or I need someone who has expertise in a particular area, I know who I would recommend for, recommend against, or give no opinion of.
Before I get into my categories, I must make this disclaimer: Yes, I will tell you which group you are in. However, it will be in a one-on-one conversation and I will give you specific reasons. Yet, you also need to keep in mind that they are one person’s personal opinion. While I think you might be a secret weapon, someone else might think you’re a black hole.
The categories are:
Ø Black Holes – These individuals are those who through interaction or observation have no real skills. They are the ones who cause you to ask yourself, “How did they ever get their job much less stay in it?” If someone asked for my recommendation on these folks, then I would very quickly and firmly give a “Never hire this person” response. These individuals have either shown incredible lack of knowledge, skill or ability.
Ø Ho-Hums – These individuals are just sorta ho-hum. They have the knowledge, skills and abilities, but they don’t really take any initiative. They wait for someone to tell them what needs to be done. These are the individuals who require micro-management. My response to a request for recommendation would be, they CAN do the job, but you will have to prod them, stay on them, double and triple check their work. If you want to micro-manage someone, then this would be the ideal employee.
Ø Unshakeables – These individuals are there every day, they do their job, they are competent and relevant, but they have no ambition to lead the pack. They are happy being the person who reports to the person who reports to the person. They are steady, calm, cool, work their 8 and turn it off. Every company needs these folks. They provide balance to the entrepreneurs, but have no desire to be the entrepreneur themselves.
Ø Go-Get-‘Ers – These are the entrepreneurs. These are the folks who see the problem, may not know how to fix it, but dive in anyway. They make mistakes, but they see the mistakes, realize them, remap and roll on. They understand that the mistakes make the product or service better. They also understand the importance of the “Steady” individuals is to their own success.
Ø Secret Weapons – These are the individuals whose name comes up time and time again in meetings that they are not even in. Their opinion is often sought and highly respected. They enter an organization or a new role and weave themselves throughout it. They see the biggest picture of how each element of the business impacts every other element. They are not afraid to speak up when necessary, nor are the afraid to sit quietly and allow the Go-Get-Ers and Developers do their thing. They are like special ops in the military. They get in before everyone else, get things ready, and then head out when the main force (the Unshakeables) heads in.
Ø Developers – My favorite group. This group understands that the only thing that matters is that their people, peers, coworkers are developed to be as successful as they can be. Developers were usually once a Go-Get-‘Er or a Secret Weapon. They have moved to an understanding that they cannot expand their own horizon until they have someone ready to fill their current horizon.
The element not accounted for in each of these definitions is whether or not they are “nice” people. While I would generally be quick to recommend the Secret Weapons or Go-Get-Ers, if they are asses to their coworkers, I would hesitate. As someone once said, “there’s only one letter that separates the assets from the asses.”
It is also important to remember that any one of these categories could appear at any level of the organization. There are Vice Presidents that are Black Holes and there are Front-Line employees who are Secret Weapons.
In which category would you put yourself? In which category would you put me? Your coworkers? Your husband or wife?
As I sit in meetings, at my desk, at the lunch table, at the coffee shop, I am constantly sizing people up. I’m constantly asking myself this question: “Would I hire this person?” Even more importantly maybe is the question “Would I recommend this person to a person or company that I respect?”04 February 2009
Executive Compensation Proposal
It doesn't go far enough. Here's what I propose:
- Cap cash compensation at the equivalent cash compensation as the organization's lowest paid employee.
- All bonuses are in the form of stock options. If you lead your company well, then you will have money when you cash your options. If you lead poorly, then you will loose money when you cash your options. The value of your options at time of issue may not exceed 3% of your companies Annual Net Income.
- Health/Life/ADD/401k/Tuition reimbursement/discounts/etc benefits are equal to that of your lowest paid employee.
- You may use the corporate jet for business purposes. You may also use it for personal reasons, yet must show it as non-cash compensation for taxation purposes. (Essentially, same rules as exist today.)
- Any other business asset used for personal reason must be shown as non-cash compensation (Same rules as apply today).
20 January 2009
Open Letter to GWB
I sat eight years ago today in disgust and watched as you took the oath of office. I did not believe then (nor do I now) that you fairly (or even actually) won the election. Nevertheless, you took the oath and became President. Since then, I have never "warmed up" to you. I find you to be smug and flippant about your duties. Yet, I have two main areas that I believe should define your Presidency and should be your legacy.
First, the obvious -- Iraq. I agreed with your initial response to 9/11. The invasion of Afghanistan was the right thing to do. That said, I do not agree with the push to "spy" on Americans nor did I agree with the over-reaching "Patriot Act" (which I often referred to as the "Police-State Act"). Yet, you and your team then fabricated "evidence" to justify the invasion of a country that (even though a nuisance) posed no credible threat to the United States, our interests or our Allies. Since this invasion 4,229 US service people have lost their lives. Additionally, 30,634 US Service people have been injured (source). I am extremely proud to be the son, grandson, brother and brother-in-law of service people and am very proud of our service people. Yet, do not understand how you could justify sending these fine men and women into harms way based on fabricated evidence.
Additionally, you allowed the atrocities that were Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo to occur. Torture is not acceptable and I am very disappointed that you allowed these atrocities to occur. Coupled with the war in Iraq, they served to thoroughly destroy the reputation of the United States.
Second -- Stem Cell Research. In November 1997, I was diagnosed (potentially incorrectly) with Multiple Sclerosis. Fortunately, I was blessed that my symptoms have largely gone away and that I have been able to lead a very normal life. However, I do not understand how someone who claims to love the "sanctity of life" can in good conscious justify hindering the research necessary to preserve that sanctity for millions of people both here in the United States and abroad. Stem Cells hold the key to many debilitating and even deadly diseases, and the hindering of that research is nothing more than saying that you do not at all care about people like me.
In addition to those two key points, I have left out numerous other elements of the past eight years that will be your legacy. As example, I cite you and your team's response (or lack thereof) to Hurricane Katrina and that "Mission Accomplished" banner.
On election day this year as I listened to Sen. McCain's concession speech, I determined to have something nice to say to you at the end of this letter. I thought, surely in eight years, I have something that I can say about you that was nice. For the past twenty-four hours, I have been trying to think of something to say. I will admit that it has been an intense internal struggle to find something to say.
Mr. Bush, you have over the last eight years been the President of this great country. During those eight years, my faith in the United States and in you have been greatly diminished. I have no respect for you as a person and only call you President because the office you sit in requires it. Nevertheless, I promised myself to come up with something nice to say.
I admire your sense of duty and believe that you have a genuine desire to do the right thing. You have strong beliefs and are not afraid to stand behind them. While I don't agree with the beliefs, I do appreciate your courage and conviction.
May the future years bring you and Mrs. Bush happiness and peace.